Screenshot of Shrek in Swamp Sim: RelayeredĪ recreation of Swamp Sim was made by three developers, Lachlan Shelton, Kyle Kirley and Shalih Ikiz. The protagonist in Swamp Sim: Relayered appears as a human male with Shrek-like features. You stare down at the final onion, before Shrek appears in your view and kills you. Flashlight moves smoothly when the mouse is being moved. Ogredrive Mode is added, for hardcore brogres, the swamp will envelope you. Ambient music plays when Shrek is near along with his theme. Shrek dances to a MIDI version of All Star at the end now.

Onions spawn randomly across the map for replayability. Slowed down version of All Star when Shrek is near you added, creator said it was for copyright and good for let's players too. His corpse appears in Shrek's burnt-down house. His theme plays along with ambience when you're near him. The antagonist, he will go after the player when you collect the first onion located on the bridge.

The silent protagonist, you cannot see or hear him except for his footsteps and him breathing after collecting the 5th onion. Swamp Sim, Swamp Simulator or Swamp Sim Horror is a Slender Man-themed joke survival horror game created by Arman Karshenas where you must collect all 8 onions (or Layers in-game) spread across Shrek's swamp, rather than tasked with not looking at Slender Man, the player is instead chased by an evil version of Shrek who instantly kills (or shreks) the player on touch and gets faster every layer you collect.